Safety in the MEAN Laboratory
Laboratory Officers
This document is to be read and filled out by anyone using equipment, chemicals, or bench-top/hood space in the MEAN Lab AFTER viewing the Mandatory Research Training videos and information below. It should be read thoroughly and followed precisely. It is located in the MEAN Lab Wiki for new MEAN Lab researchers or can be obtained through Wujcik for external researchers.
Mandatory Research Training
Plan, Evaluate & Execute | The Dow Chemical Company
Plan, Evaluate, & Execute Training Topics
Mandatory Graduate & Undergraduate Training
SAChE Certificate Program - Basics of Laboratory Safety
This course provides a complete review of safety for laboratories handling hazardous chemicals. It covers the safe use of key related lab equipment. While the discussion is aimed at laboratory scale, it introduces wider process safety management concepts such as toxicity and toxic levels, flammability and flammable parameters, use of safety data sheets, job safety analysis, risk levels, bio-safety levels, and fire and explosion prevention.
SAChE Certificate Program - Chemical Process Safety in the Chemical Process Industries
Get a solid introduction to the application of chemical process safety technology in an actual chemical facility. The video series is divided in roughly 30 minute segments. Topics include: Concept of corporate safety programs Laboratory safety inspections of personal protective equipment Process area safety features and procedures DIERS methods for characterizing runaway reactions Equipment and methods to characterize flammable dusts and vapors Informal and formal safety reviews Do you already own this?
The University of Maine Laboratory Safety Links
UMaine's Emergency Operations Center webpage
UMaine's Crime Prevention & Personal Safety webpage
UMaine's Police Department webpage
IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY (on-campus or off-campus) DIAL: 9-1-1
UMaine's Police Department NON-EMERGENCY phone number (24 hrs.): +1-207-581-4040
During an emergency on campus, one may listen to UMaine's radio station [WMEB - 91.9 FM] for precautions and instructions.
SDS Chemical Safety Search
Kennith S. Suslick (UI-UC) has a great safety resources page on his site.
James M. Tour (Rice) has very informative safety presentations and links on his webpage.
U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) - Laboratories
U.S. Chemical Safety Board's (CSB) YouTube Channel